Procurement Resources & Videos

Welcome to the Roadmap of the Federal Procurement Process for Indigenous Businesses

Undertaken by Cando, this is a Strategic Partnership Initiative for Indigenous Economic Development Organizations and Capacity Building.

This series provides a roadmap of the federal procurement process for Indigenous businesses. The purpose of this document is to consolidate information and data around the federal procurement process that resonates with Indigenous businesses and in turn, enhancing engagement and capacity in doing business with the federal government. The roadmap is comprised of the following five (5) sections

  1. Federal Government Procurement: The Opportunity
  2. How the Government Buys
  3. Policies and Programs to Increase Indigenous Participation
  4. What You Need to Do
  5. What You Need to Know When Responding to a Solicitation
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1. Federal Government Procurement: The Opportunity

2. How the Government Buys

3. Policies and Programs to Increase Indigenous Participation

4. What You Need to Do

5. What You Need to Know When Responding to a Solicitation